What is RecoTrace®?
RecoTrace® is a multi-polymer online data collection system. It records and monitors data, on both plastics recycling tonnages and recycled material use, across Europe.
The system builds on Recovinyl®’s 20+ years of data collection experience and expertise.
How is RecoTrace® helping recyclers and converters?
RecoTrace™ helps companies tracking their progress towards circularity and make their tonnages count towards the Circular Plastics Alliance goal (10 million tons of recycled plastics used by 2025 in Europe), as well as national recycling and recycled content targets.
Building robust plastics recycling datasets
Understanding the size and dynamics of the European recycled plastics market will help inform future legislation and investment decisions that accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastics.

PO, PET, PVC, PS, EPS, XPS, PA, ABS and PC accepted

Open to all European plastics recyclers and converters


RecoTrace® ensures strict data confidentiality and competition compliance

RecoTrace® login page
RecoTrace® User Tools
RecoTrace® flyer
Collected data from recyclers and converters in RecoTrace®

How is the RecoTrace® collected data aggregated and stored?
When companies use RecoTrace®, their data are stored in different compartments according to their polymer types. Polymer data are then separately aggregated by their designated PolyREC® representatives, under strict individual NDA, to ensure data confidentiality and prevent any exchange of information between polymers in alignment with EU Competition Law.
Only aggregated and anonymised data are reported to the Board members of PolyREC® and the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) secretariat, and can be used to report on other industry pledges
RecoTrace® users remain the owners of their data. Collected data will never be used for commercial purposes. More information can be found in the RecoTrace®’s terms and conditions.