Our Members



EUMEPS is the association and voice of the European Manufacturers of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). Its members cover the entire EPS value chain from raw material suppliers to EPS converters and recyclers as well as supporting industries including machinery and additive suppliers. Members include individual companies as well as 22 European national EPS associations. This unique representation of the entire value chain ensures that EUMEPS represents both large companies and small- and medium-sized converters and recyclers.
Altogether its membership represents more than 1,000 companies, most of them small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and employs more than 80,000 people. www.eumeps.org

Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform®

Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform®

The Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform (PCEP) is a forum for all organisations and stakeholders in the polyolefin value chain to exchange ideas, showcase projects and work together to maximise innovation and value, so advancing the circular economy. PCEP is committed to transforming from a linear to a circular economy based on three principles; designing out waste; keeping products and materials in use; and recycling into high-quality new raw materials.



PlasticsEurope is the pan-European association of plastics manufacturers with offices across Europe. For over 100 years, science and innovation has been the DNA that cuts across our industry. With close to 100 members producing over 90% of all polymers across Europe, we are the catalyst for the industry with a responsibility to openly engage with stakeholders and deliver solutions which are safe, circular and sustainable. We are committed to implementing long-lasting positive change.

Plastics Recyclers Europe®

Plastics Recyclers Europe®

Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) is an organization representing the voice of the European plastics recyclers who reprocess plastic waste into high-quality material destined for the production of new articles. Recyclers are important facilitators of the circularity of plastics and the transition towards the circular economy. Plastics recycling in Europe is a rapidly growing sector representing over €3 billion in turnover, 8.5 million tonnes of installed recycling capacity, 600 companies and over 20.000 employees. www.plasticsrecyclers.eu

Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform®

Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform®

VinylPlus is the Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry. The VinylPlus programme was developed through open dialogue with stakeholders, including industry, NGOs, regulators, civil society representatives and PVC users. Its regional scope is the EU-27 plus Norway, Switzerland and the UK. VinylPlus is registered as a SMART partnership on the United Nations Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals Platform.